Many people are reflecting on the year that is coming to an end and I thought it would be wise for me to do the same. I grew up this year. I had to often figure things out on my own, make tough decisions, impart informed advice to people whom I knew depended on me and present a calm and collected exterior through it all. So I grew up and will now share a few of the lessons I learned.
Lesson #1 : Look In The Mirror
Know yourself - strengths, weaknesses and the complete picture. Take the time to look in the mirror, look inward and decide what you need help with and what you can handle yourself. If you push yourself, try harder, would you be able to overcome the challenge? Most times, you'll learn more about yourself - most importantly that you can accomplish a lot. If you decide that you really do need help, don't hesitate to reach out and ask for help. Identify the person who can help you best and get the help you need. Often times, it may be just advice from a person who has seen more, knows better, is wiser. Take it in, act on it, learn from it and grow.
Lesson #2 : Pick Your Battles
You may be eager to take things on and you may see a lot you want to change. No one can do everything. You shouldn't either. Take a step back, prioritise and decide what is most important, most impactful and focus on those. Delegate if you can but if it is a battle you must wage yourself, plan it well and decide if it is worth the energy spent. Don't wear yourself thin and end up not making the impact you wished you could.
Lesson #3 : Stay Positive
Find the other side of the coin. It exists. You may not see it immediately because you are clouded by frustration and impatience but it is there, hidden away. If there is a problem, mull over it to find a solution, consult with your mentor and then decide on an action plan. You will feel better, hopeful. There is always a way to right a wrong and there is always a lesson you can learn from it. Always. If you can't salvage the situation, acknowledge it and move on. There is no point dwelling over it. There are more battles ahead of you, so focus your energy and attention on what is to come and not what is past.
The list is endless but these three really helped me appreciate the year that has just passed and look forward to the year that is upon me. I hope it helps someone else who's growing up too.
Lesson #1 : Look In The Mirror
Know yourself - strengths, weaknesses and the complete picture. Take the time to look in the mirror, look inward and decide what you need help with and what you can handle yourself. If you push yourself, try harder, would you be able to overcome the challenge? Most times, you'll learn more about yourself - most importantly that you can accomplish a lot. If you decide that you really do need help, don't hesitate to reach out and ask for help. Identify the person who can help you best and get the help you need. Often times, it may be just advice from a person who has seen more, knows better, is wiser. Take it in, act on it, learn from it and grow.
Lesson #2 : Pick Your Battles
You may be eager to take things on and you may see a lot you want to change. No one can do everything. You shouldn't either. Take a step back, prioritise and decide what is most important, most impactful and focus on those. Delegate if you can but if it is a battle you must wage yourself, plan it well and decide if it is worth the energy spent. Don't wear yourself thin and end up not making the impact you wished you could.
Lesson #3 : Stay Positive
Find the other side of the coin. It exists. You may not see it immediately because you are clouded by frustration and impatience but it is there, hidden away. If there is a problem, mull over it to find a solution, consult with your mentor and then decide on an action plan. You will feel better, hopeful. There is always a way to right a wrong and there is always a lesson you can learn from it. Always. If you can't salvage the situation, acknowledge it and move on. There is no point dwelling over it. There are more battles ahead of you, so focus your energy and attention on what is to come and not what is past.
The list is endless but these three really helped me appreciate the year that has just passed and look forward to the year that is upon me. I hope it helps someone else who's growing up too.
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